Some Random Thoughts..
Just a place to put some random thoughts..

World is going crazy. Given a choice I would have chosen to be born on . Its the biggest in the solar system and has four moons. Thats great but the biggest advantage is that it doesnt have "Al-quida".

As a protest to the prison abuse in abu-ghraib in iraq, these mad men beheaded one Americal civilian. They video taped it and released it on the net. Plain Evil! If it continues like this, one day I, not far from now, I will wake up, see the news paper with the same news but more gruesome snaps and without even blinking skip to the next page. They are killing humans and humanity. Shame on us.
Mad Mad World!
World is going crazy. Given a choice I would have chosen to be born on . Its the biggest in the solar system and has four moons. Thats great but the biggest advantage is that it doesnt have "Al-quida".

As a protest to the prison abuse in abu-ghraib in iraq, these mad men beheaded one Americal civilian. They video taped it and released it on the net. Plain Evil! If it continues like this, one day I, not far from now, I will wake up, see the news paper with the same news but more gruesome snaps and without even blinking skip to the next page. They are killing humans and humanity. Shame on us.

posted by rumplestiltskin @ 8:19 pm 0 comments


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