Some Random Thoughts..
Just a place to put some random thoughts..

Today morning when I was coming to office, I saw a bird, what we call "A Bharadwaj" in Marathi. They say it is a good omen. Whatever. :). And that made me think about the same bird I used to see at Pune on a tree near the house. In early 80's, when it was a new house, and a lot less poluted area, we used to see so many birds around the place. Sparrows, crows, parrots were the common spots. Sparrows used to be a house hold thing. And for last couple of years they have stopped showing up. I dont know exactly when this happened. But I feel kinda bad about it. I used to get annoyed by them but they used to keep the house chirping all the time, literally. I miss those quiet afternoons when the road infront of the house used to be empty with sporadic "vrooom" and a constant chirping in the backgroud.

Those were the days.
Today morning when I was coming to office, I saw a bird, what we call "A Bharadwaj" in Marathi. They say it is a good omen. Whatever. :). And that made me think about the same bird I used to see at Pune on a tree near the house. In early 80's, when it was a new house, and a lot less poluted area, we used to see so many birds around the place. Sparrows, crows, parrots were the common spots. Sparrows used to be a house hold thing. And for last couple of years they have stopped showing up. I dont know exactly when this happened. But I feel kinda bad about it. I used to get annoyed by them but they used to keep the house chirping all the time, literally. I miss those quiet afternoons when the road infront of the house used to be empty with sporadic "vrooom" and a constant chirping in the backgroud.

Those were the days.

posted by rumplestiltskin @ 10:56 am 0 comments


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