Currently I am on a download spree, trying to make full use of the broadband connection. I am planning to backup all the movies I download as VCDs so that my parents can play it in the VCD player they have at home. I use ,, trio to do the task and it works great on my Ubuntu Hoary.
Sometime back I downloaded a chinese movie just to find that it is without english subtitles. So I went ahead and downloaded the subtitles file separately. Now I could watch the movie using with the subtites but it was very jerky and I could not set font size and position and things like that. I could integrate the subtitles in the video using avidemux subtitler filter. But a little bit of googling told me about a bug in that plugin. It couldnt split a long subtitle sentence into multiple lines depending upon the font size. So I wrote a small python script to do that. It needs module installed.
Heres the script. It is a hackjob and if you use it and find any bugs, please let me know.
Yours Sincerely,